Author: Daniel Burton

Nobody Special 054 | Girl Scout Cookies, Heroin, and Evangelism

Nobody Special 054 | Girl Scout Cookies, Heroin, and Evangelism

Danny and Caleb celebrate Valentine’s day by taping this weeks episode of Nobody Special. And Valentine’s Day we celebrate as we dive into the origins of Valentine’s Day and what happened to make the traditions we have today. It’s another holiday we stole and used it to communicate the love of God. Honestly, the history of Saint Valentine is pretty sweet.

Christ in Colossians | From The Inside Out

Christ in Colossians | From The Inside Out – Colossians 4:2-6

Christ rules on the throne of haven as preeminent, the first before all things. For the Christian, we do not coronate Christ as King but merely catch up to and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. One of the joys of theology and studying God comes from the sheer practicality. Paul does not stop at the head knowledge or philosophical but gives the practical application.

The One Who is Coming Soon | Revelation 22:6-21

The Revelation of Jesus Christ | The One Who Is Coming Soon – Revelation 22:6 – 21

John looks out and sees a New Heaven and a New Earth and the sea is gone.  The distance that once separated man from God, that vast sea that surrounds the throne, has gone.  Throughout the history of the church, Jesus’ acts can best be understood as an invasion to pluck His beloved creation from the grasp of death’s hands.  Now, the great intercession is complete and the relationship between heaven and earth become new, resembling a perfected Eden where mankind and God exhibited no separation from one another.  

Christ in Colossians | Dead To Flesh, Raised With Christ

Christ in Colossians | Life As For The Lord – Colossians 3:18-4:1

Christ rules on the throne of haven as preeminent, the first before all things. For the Christian, we do not coronate Christ as King but merely catch up to and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. One of the joys of theology and studying God comes from the sheer practicality. Paul does not stop at the head knowledge or philosophical but gives the practical application.

Nobody Special 053 | Burned by Fyre

Nobody Special 053 | Burned By Fyre

Danny and Caleb celebrate Valentine’s day by taping this weeks episode of Nobody Special. And Valentine’s Day we celebrate as we dive into the origins of Valentine’s Day and what happened to make the traditions we have today. It’s another holiday we stole and used it to communicate the love of God. Honestly, the history of Saint Valentine is pretty sweet.

The New Jerusalem, The Bride of Christ | Revelation 21:-9-22:5

The Revelation of Jesus Christ | The New Jerusalem, The Bride of Christ – Revelation 21:9-22:5

John looks out and sees a New Heaven and a New Earth and the sea is gone.  The distance that once separated man from God, that vast sea that surrounds the throne, has gone.  Throughout the history of the church, Jesus’ acts can best be understood as an invasion to pluck His beloved creation from the grasp of death’s hands.  Now, the great intercession is complete and the relationship between heaven and earth become new, resembling a perfected Eden where mankind and God exhibited no separation from one another.  

Christ in Colossians | Dead To Flesh, Raised With Christ

Christ in Colossians | Dead To Flesh, Raised With Christ – Colossians 3:1-17

Followers of Christ live in a tension between what we once were and we we will one day be. Our former selves, the one that gave in to selfish ambition and the desires of our flesh cannot peacefully consist with our new life being raised with Jesus Christ. We claim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior yet, if we are honest, crave our sins. For some, it may even be that we attempt to conduct ourselves as both under the Lordship of Jesus Christ but living in rebellion to our commitment. Even for mature Christians, we wrestle our sins and struggles. As Paul continues in Colossians 3:1-17, he alludes to the idea of “Progressive Sanctification,” the idea that we continue to grow in perfection and righteousness until we arrive at eternity. Paul exhorts us to seek the things of Christ based on His position at the right hand of God. We are to put to death the old self and come alive to the new self.

The Old Passing and New Beginning | Revelation 21:1-18

The Revelation of Jesus Christ | The Old Passing and New Beginning – Revelation 21:1-8

John looks out and sees a New Heaven and a New Earth and the sea is gone.  The distance that once separated man from God, that vast sea that surrounds the throne, has gone.  Throughout the history of the church, Jesus’ acts can best be understood as an invasion to pluck His beloved creation from the grasp of death’s hands.  Now, the great intercession is complete and the relationship between heaven and earth become new, resembling a perfected Eden where mankind and God exhibited no separation from one another.  

Christ in Colossians | Let No One Disqualify You | Colossians 2:16-23

Christ in Colossians | Let No One Disqualify You – Colossians 2:16-23

As Paul continues his letter to the Colossians church, he addresses the issue of those who would seek to disqualify them because they did not say or do specific things. Paul essentially looks at barriers to outsiders joining the church and receiving the grace of God. For those not raised in a particular jewish upbringing, their faith would look different from those who were raised in Jewish homes. Furthermore, as they shifted to a faith in Jesus Christ, they would no longer fit in with the standards of the world and the image the world speaks to be the most important. With Christ is before and above all things, the Christian does not need any additional steps to receive Christ. Paul firmly roots His message in the Gospel that understands Jesus came for the blessing of mankind and for the enjoyment of His presence forever. We are not to indulge ourselves in self-righteousness or fleshly indulgence but we should not cast away the blessing of God for the sake of appearing holier than others, giving off the false image of being a “good Christian.”

Nobody Special 052 | Abortion and Christianity

Nobody Special 052 | Abortion and Christianity

Gillette made a commercial to tackle the issue of manhood in today’s day and age. The world has not been more upset since the day before yesterday when the world fought over the previous fad. Thus, the boys of Nobody Special wade into the controversial waters of making statements about gender roles and society to determine if this commercial was indeed offensive.