Followers of Christ live in a tension between what we once were and we we will one day be. Our former selves, the one that gave in to selfish ambition and the desires of our flesh cannot peacefully consist with our new life being raised with Jesus Christ. We claim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior yet, if we are honest, crave our sins. For some, it may even be that we attempt to conduct ourselves as both under the Lordship of Jesus Christ but living in rebellion to our commitment. Even for mature Christians, we wrestle our sins and struggles. As Paul continues in Colossians 3:1-17, he alludes to the idea of “Progressive Sanctification,” the idea that we continue to grow in perfection and righteousness until we arrive at eternity. Paul exhorts us to seek the things of Christ based on His position at the right hand of God. We are to put to death the old self and come alive to the new self.