Author: Daniel Burton

Nobody Special 076 | Headaches and Deconstructing Faith

Nobody Special 076 | Headaches and Deconstructing Faith

Area 51 may be holding the universe’s biggest secrets. Probably nothing though. So please, please, please do not go run towards an active military base.
Caleb and Danny look at the joke that snowballed into a place where people may be actually going to at least the area. So much so that the Air Force tweeted a response and the hotels are booked leaving a little town questioning whether they can handle the influx of people. The person who started the joke learned a great lesson about the power of words.

Sola Gratia | Justification and Adoption

Sola Gratia | Justification and Adoption

Grace is perhaps, the simplest of all Christian doctrines and yet the one we have the most trouble believing. Grace, being the unmerited favor of God given to mankind for their salvation, remains the crux of doctrine. We contribute nothing to our salvation nor can we. Yet, we desperately want to be responsible in some manner for our salvation. Deep down, we carry a long to know we are good enough and attempt to prove it through the only way we know how to prove things; our actions. Yet, our actions produced only death within us and nothing more. On our own, our actions produce spiritual death which even goes so far to take a physical and emotional toil on our bodies. Yet Jesus Christ, by grace, as a random for our sin, died in our place in a manner only He could, so that we might obtain life.

Nobody Special 075 | Trusting God And Embracing The Wacky Scientist

Nobody Special 075 | Trusting God And Embracing The Wacky Scientist

Area 51 may be holding the universe’s biggest secrets. Probably nothing though. So please, please, please do not go run towards an active military base.
Caleb and Danny look at the joke that snowballed into a place where people may be actually going to at least the area. So much so that the Air Force tweeted a response and the hotels are booked leaving a little town questioning whether they can handle the influx of people. The person who started the joke learned a great lesson about the power of words.

Sola Gratia | Predestination As An Act of Grace

Sola Gratia | Predestination As An Act of Grace

Grace is perhaps, the simplest of all Christian doctrines and yet the one we have the most trouble believing. Grace, being the unmerited favor of God given to mankind for their salvation, remains the crux of doctrine. We contribute nothing to our salvation nor can we. Yet, we desperately want to be responsible in some manner for our salvation. Deep down, we carry a long to know we are good enough and attempt to prove it through the only way we know how to prove things; our actions. Yet, our actions produced only death within us and nothing more. On our own, our actions produce spiritual death which even goes so far to take a physical and emotional toil on our bodies. Yet Jesus Christ, by grace, as a random for our sin, died in our place in a manner only He could, so that we might obtain life.

Nobody Special 074 | Area 51 Takeover!

Nobody Special 074 | Area 51 Takeover!

Area 51 may be holding the universe’s biggest secrets. Probably nothing though. So please, please, please do not go run towards an active military base.
Caleb and Danny look at the joke that snowballed into a place where people may be actually going to at least the area. So much so that the Air Force tweeted a response and the hotels are booked leaving a little town questioning whether they can handle the influx of people. The person who started the joke learned a great lesson about the power of words.

Sola Gratia | Created and Alive By Grace

Sola Gratia | Created And Alive By Grace

Grace is perhaps, the simplest of all Christian doctrines and yet the one we have the most trouble believing. Grace, being the unmerited favor of God given to mankind for their salvation, remains the crux of doctrine. We contribute nothing to our salvation nor can we. Yet, we desperately want to be responsible in some manner for our salvation. Deep down, we carry a long to know we are good enough and attempt to prove it through the only way we know how to prove things; our actions. Yet, our actions produced only death within us and nothing more. On our own, our actions produce spiritual death which even goes so far to take a physical and emotional toil on our bodies. Yet Jesus Christ, by grace, as a random for our sin, died in our place in a manner only He could, so that we might obtain life.

Nobody Special 073 | Trump, Ice Cream, and Sin

Nobody Special 073 | Trump, Ice Cream, and Sin

The US Women’s National Soccer Team gone and won! Now, led by Megan Rapinoe, are demanding equal pay. But is this inequality or a difference in revenue. We want to be clear that we are against all forms of inequality. All persons are created in the image of God and have value and worth. Yet, we are not all called to express ourselves in the same manner. Megan Rapinoe claims she deserves her awards. Her athleticism would tend to agree but the arrogance and pride that comes will only lead to an inevitable fall.

The Gospel of John | Spiritual Thirst Part 1 – John 4:1-26

At the outset of this passage, John references the previous supposed tension that exists between the disciples of Jesus and the disciples of John. Where the Pharisees viewed John’s teaching as dangerous to their system of governance, Jesus’ teaching brought with them the claims of authority and divinity. Yet, Jesus had no patience for the challenges that would only seek to cause rivalry and division. So, with no need to further division among the believers, he left. On his journey, He came to Samaria (whether the journey dictated this out of the way path or was merely the divine providence and plan of God is a matter of much academic debate). As the disciples went off to find food, Jesus approached the well and a woman at the well looking for water with no means of obtaining it.

Sola Gratia | Grace Not From Ourselves

Sola Gratia | Grace Not From Ourselves

The idea of Sola Gratia depicts the notion that we are saved by grace, with grace being the unmerited favor of God. The history of the church, while giving verbal service to grace, heaped on the requirements for salvation and forgiveness of sins. Confessions booths turned into prescriptive actions in which people must do in order to be saved. Furthermore, this act echoed the actions of the Pharisees, who understood salvation through God alone would heap the requirements of holiness beyond what God had Himself directed, on the people. Even today, most Christians would openly say they hold to this belief but still struggle with the notion of grace and how our salvation is given. the idea of grace tends to be pervasive to the every day Christian attempting to either earn the favor of God or define ourselves by our own egotistical standards of holiness. Sola Gratia means we are saved by grace alone, not by our actions or anything we do. Salvation does not mean that man attempts to approach God but instead that God elected and returned mankind to Himself.

Nobody Special 072 | Women’s Soccer, The Pay Gap, and Comparison

Nobody Special 072 | Women’s Soccer, The Pay Gap, and Comparison

The US Women’s National Soccer Team gone and won! Now, led by Megan Rapinoe, are demanding equal pay. But is this inequality or a difference in revenue. We want to be clear that we are against all forms of inequality. All persons are created in the image of God and have value and worth. Yet, we are not all called to express ourselves in the same manner. Megan Rapinoe claims she deserves her awards. Her athleticism would tend to agree but the arrogance and pride that comes will only lead to an inevitable fall.