Author: Daniel Burton

Nobody Special 080 | Justin Bieber and Protesting Christians

Nobody Special 081 | Justin Bieber and Protesting Christians

Justin Bieber cites faith in Jesus Christ for helping him through difficult times. And we talk about a group of people who protest churches and ministry. For… reasons?

Sola Fide | Faith and Works

Sola Fide | Faith and Works

Works do not obligate God to provide us with salvation but instead they provide the evidence that a transformation has taken place within a person. One cannot encounter the risen Lord without some sort of inward transformation that displays in an outward expression. Where justification declares a guilty person to be innocent, righteousness an unholy person as holy, and adoption an enemy of God as a child of God, salvation works in person to bring the dead to life. No one can come from death to life without displaying the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives through faith in Him and

Benny Hinn and When Bad Things Happen

Nobody Special 080 | Benny Hinn and When Bad Things Happen

Hurricane Dorian slams into the Bahamas and Pastor Benny Hinn seems to recant the prosperity Gospel. Where is God in all of this? Find out on this week’s episode of Nobody Special.

Sola Fide | Justified and Righteous By Faith

Sola Fide | The Source of Faith

Within the context of faith, two important topics quickly surface as we explore the idea that we receive salvation by faith alone. First, that our legal right standing does not come from our own actions, but instead comes from the actions of God. Second, that our righteousness comes by faith rather than our faith coming from our righteousness. All salvation comes by grace alone (Sola Gratia) so that no one would be able to boast. This applies also to our faith. The very fabric of our faith comes by the grace of God that justifies our right standing before the judgment of God and sets us our feet on the foundation of righteousness.

Nobody Special 079 | Church Hunting and The Babylon Bee

Nobody Special 079 | Church Hunting and The Babylon Bee

Looking for a church in college? This week the boys of Nobody Special take on more questions from listeners. Mr. Che Che asks how to find a good church in a new college town. There are plenty of options available to most people and know what is important for what to look for in a church and what we need to give up in order to be able to effectively pursue God.

Sola Fide | Justified and Righteous By Faith

Sola Fide | Justified and Righteous By Faith

Within the context of faith, two important topics quickly surface as we explore the idea that we receive salvation by faith alone. First, that our legal right standing does not come from our own actions, but instead comes from the actions of God. Second, that our righteousness comes by faith rather than our faith coming from our righteousness. All salvation comes by grace alone (Sola Gratia) so that no one would be able to boast. This applies also to our faith. The very fabric of our faith comes by the grace of God that justifies our right standing before the judgment of God and sets us our feet on the foundation of righteousness.

Nobody Special 78 | Mr. Donut Man, Bibles, and Stupid Questions

Nobody Special 078 | Mr. Donut Man, Bibles, and Stupid Questions

Y’all remember Mr. Donut man? That dude was amazing. Caleb and Danny think back on Mr. Donut man and the incredible early 90s children’s worship. Also we discuss the people who helped Danny grow up.

Sola Fide | The Substance of Faith

Sola Fide | The Substance of Faith

Make no mistake. We are dead in our sins. There is nothing we can do to merit our salvation and our justification as these are acts of Grace Alone (Sola Gratia). Yet, every day, we see people move from death to life by the grace of God to live in eternity in Heaven. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:8-10‬ ‭ESV‬‬) We produce nothing from our good works and every step of our salvation comes from God.

Nobody Special 077 | Sloppy Wet Teaching

Nobody Special 077 | Sloppy Wet Teaching

Area 51 may be holding the universe’s biggest secrets. Probably nothing though. So please, please, please do not go run towards an active military base.
Caleb and Danny look at the joke that snowballed into a place where people may be actually going to at least the area. So much so that the Air Force tweeted a response and the hotels are booked leaving a little town questioning whether they can handle the influx of people. The person who started the joke learned a great lesson about the power of words.

Protecting Innocence in "Good Boys"

Protecting Innocence in “Good Boys”

New chapters can be difficult. We step into the unknown, trusting that God has actually planned our steps and believing that His plan will never fail us. Going off to college is undoubtedly met with both excitement as far as you wander into this new stage. Furthermore, remember God sustains everything, through the highs and lows. You are never alone and never beyond God’s grace or ability to love, guide, and protect you. He is a loving King jealously pursues you.