The Gospel Outpost

Where Grace and The World Collide

Grace and The World Collide in the Every Day

Welcome to the Gospel Outpost where grace and the world collide. We encourage the exploration of theology as it relates to our day to day lives. Being apart of a church and the body of Christ, involves more than going to a service on a Sunday morning but carrying out the Life-Giving Gospel that Jesus Saves into our day to day lives through the grace that has been given to us. As we live out our faith and engage our community, we set up Gospel Outposts in the midsts of community.

We want you to feel comfortable exploring your faith, asking questions, and even being skeptical as we work out our faith together. We do not get offended by being challenged but welcome the conversation. Just as God has shown us grace, we will show grace to all who are coming to ask questions and be impacted for their faith. Also, have fun. Exploring theology is not a boring academic task but a task of exploration as we search through the universe for an eternal and never ending God. It isn’t reading and not being changes, it’s an adventure as we seek to carry Christ with us every day.

What we do…

We want to provide quality Christian content through the use of new media and other forms.  Out of that, we are working on building various ideas and content for people to grow and deepen their faith Monday through Saturday


Check out our latests posts for articles, bible studies, updates, and various other content for you to enjoy.


We offer books from time to time, some for free and some for purchase. Pick up  your favorite today!


We have podcasts for our listeners to enjoy. Be sure you subscribe on iTunes and ask us questions about what you want to hear. 


Christian Discipleship

We believe that Christian Discipleship should be done in groups. The Gospel Outpost exists to provide Christian based materials for discipleship and for entertainment for those looking to follow God in the process. There is no corner we won’t go, no subject we won’t discuss, and no market we won’t go to. Grab one of our books, check out the blog, and grab a friend to study the bible together and figure out how to live out our faith in our every day lives. Take a picture and tag us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We love seeing how lives our being impacted.


Our faith should be real and lived out in the every day, not merely a fashion accessory 


Christianity offers eternal life for all who submit to God.  Our faith should be relevant and impact every day of our lives. 

Latest Posts

Come and See The Adventure of An Invitational Faith

Come and See | The Adventure of An Invitational Faith

The Christian life offers something deeper, a life of not merely watching as consumers but discovering our intended purpose in living a great adventure. Following Jesus, when fully realized in our lives put to death the self-centric outlook to our faith and elevates us to a life of joining in the unfailing mission of Jesus Christ in the world. We move from the sit and watch, consumeristic mindset, to experiencing the overflow of the Spirit within us which leads us to proclaim “Come and see.”

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Two Years Later…

I guess something should be said about the two year hiatus and what is happening next.

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Hope In Exile | The Church In Exile - 1 Peter 5:1-14

Hope In Exile | The Church in Exile – 1 Peter 5:1-14

The church should follow the elders established by God and in all things, the people of God should remain humble no matter their status, as dearly beloved children of God who have been saved by grace.

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